Rating Recipes

Rating a recipe and writing a review lets the author know how you feel about the recipe and provides valuable feedback. Share what you liked, any changes you made, and how it turned out. This not only helps other users but also encourages the recipe creators, letting them know their efforts are appreciated and how they can improve their future recipes.

Steps to Rate and Review a Recipe:

  1. Go to the recipe page.

  2. Click on the stars to rate the recipe.

  3. (Optional) Write a review in the provided text box. Share what you liked, any changes you made, and how it turned out.

  4. Click "Post" to submit your rating and review.

How to View Recipe Ratings

Viewing recipe ratings can help you decide which recipes to try based on other users' experiences. You can see the ratings both from the recipe tile and on the recipe page.

  • From the Recipe Tile

    1. If the recipe has a rating, a star will appear on the bottom left of the recipe tile.

    2. Tap on the star to see the ratings.

  • On the Recipe Page

    1. If the recipe has a rating, the rating appears after the recipe title.

    2. Click on it to see all the ratings.

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