Saving and Organising Recipes

Saving Recipes

When you find recipes you love on Chefadora, saving them is easy. Just click the "Save" button on the recipe to add it to your personal collections.

Organising Your Recipes

You can create multiple public or private collections to organise your saved recipes by themes, such as "Weeknight Dinners," "Holiday Baking," or "Vegan Favourites." This way, your favourite recipes are always easy to find and access.

Steps to Create a Collection:

  1. Go to the recipe page. 

  2. Click on the "Add to Collection" button. This will open the collection options.

  • To Create a New Collection:

    • Click the "+ New Collection" button.

    • Type in the collection name and description.

    • Set the visibility to public or private.

    • Click "Create".

      Note: Public collections will be visible to everyone on your Profile.

  • To Add Your Recipe to an Existing Collection:

    • Click on the "+" icon next to the collection names.

You can add the same recipe to multiple collections.

To Remove a Recipe from a Collection:

  1. Go to the specific recipe page you want to remove. 

  2. Click the "Add to Collection" button. This will show the collections the recipe is part of.

  3. Click on the tick icon indicating that the recipe is in that particular collection to untick it. Your recipe is now removed from that collection. 

Recipe Library

You can find all your saved recipes and collections in Your Recipe Library. Click on the ‘Recipe Library’ icon in the navigation bar to access and manage your saved recipes.

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